Richard Smith wrote:
Unless its compressed.
You mean, run getpir against the WinCE BIOS image? Please clarify what you're saying. I still can't use the WinCE BIOS to boot other OSes, so unless I'm misunderstanding you, I don't think that'll work.
Exactly. The $PIR was just a table. Ron's guessing that if they used PIR then its probably just the table hanging out in the ROM in which getpir will find it.
you can also hd (or other hexeditor) the image file and look for occurances of $PIR. There may be more than one so you have to go further to verify its a PIR table.
No $PIR in the image. What's my best "Plan B"? Options that I'm aware of include: 1) Find a way to enumerate IRQ assignments while booted into WinCE 3.0. 2) Guess. :-) Right now, the only devices I need that are lacking IRQ assignments are the USB controller and the NIC.
Question: how is the kernel getting IRQ assignments for ide0 and the 2 serial ports? Without an IRQ table, I have to assume it's assuming standard IRQs for those devices.
thanks, Jonathan