Am Fri, 3 Jun 2011 20:43:17 +0200 schrieb Stefan Reinauer
If someone with the hardware steps up to do a port there is a chance indeed.
I googled a bit and found somebody called "Jonathan A. Kollasch". He wrote that he has a board with the same north- and southbridge. This message was from 12.04. at 23:06. If anybody has his message (subject: "SB850 SERR# routinh (almost off-topic)") please re-send it to me because his e-mail isn't shown in the mailing list archives found by google but I would like to speak to him. :)
That someone could be you! :-)
I don't think so. I know all the documentation is there but my coding skills are extreme poor.
Also be sure that you have any means of recovery. A second flash chip if yours is socketed, or an external eeprom burner for instance.
I would buy a secound chip if I could help with it, but I don't think I could do more then testing.
Have not looked into it, but I believe I read that the 3core/4core switch is done by some code running on the EC, so it might not be a lot of work on the bios side.
What is EC? Is this a chip called "UCC" by AsRock?