Thank you for your extensive answer. That helps a lot.
Regarding the registers description, maybe EDS or other documents have
better situation? I have Braswell EDS so i can check it, but if you have
any documents that describe display registers for Braswell, let me know
which ID it is so I can get it myself.
Thanks again.
Michał Żygowski
Firmware Engineer | @3mdeb_com
On 16.03.2020 00:15, Nico Huber wrote:
> On 15.03.20 20:37, Nico Huber wrote:
>>> On Wed, Mar 11, 2020 at 9:45 AM Michal Zygowski
>>> wrote:
>>> I see the programming manuals from Intel
>>>> are in place:
>> Alas, this is a pitfall for Braswell. The only part that matters for
>> libgfxinit (information about the display engine) is 100% scrubbed
>> away. If you look into the `Display` chapter, it only contains legacy
>> VGA registers and audio verbs, nothing about display at all. And if you
>> search for any of "hdmi", "lvds", "mipi", "dsi", or "lane" in the
>> `Register` chapter: nothing :-/
> Update: There are some register descriptions in the Braswell datasheet
> vol2. Probably enough for HDMI and (e)DP support.
> Nico
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