Issue #445 has been updated by Martin Roth.
Category set to board support Status changed from New to Closed
Marking as resolved, but we should look at a better method of making sure the GPIOs for an individual platform have the flexibility to adjust the timing to meet any card's power-on spec.
---------------------------------------- Bug #445: Thinkpad X200 wifi issue
* Author: Masc Masc * Status: Closed * Priority: Normal * Category: board support * Target version: none * Start date: 2023-01-06 * Affected versions: 4.18 ---------------------------------------- Compiled coreboot latest revision from source and built a coreboot rom image for X200 with SeaBIOS (also tried with Grub as a payload). The laptop beeps and the power LED flashes at startup and the wifi card does not work (cannot enable wifi in OS). The operating system is Debian Bullseye and the wifi card is an Atheros AR5B95. The OS boots normally, but no wifi is available. The wifi card has been tested and works fine with latest stable libreboot release.
---Files-------------------------------- config (18.1 KB) cbmem.txt (42.4 KB) dmesg.txt (62.8 KB) lspci_nn_libreboot.txt (2.42 KB) lspci_tv_libreboot.txt (1.47 KB) lspci_vvvxx_libreboot.txt (31.1 KB) lspci_nn_coreboot.txt (2.42 KB) lspci_tv_coreboot.txt (1.48 KB) lspci_vvvxx_coreboot.txt (31.6 KB)