I am Hatim Kanchwala from India. I am a sophomore pursuing Bachelor's in Electrical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Patna. I came across coreboot through the Google Summer of Code page. I am aspiring to work with coreboot for GSoC 2016.
To get an introduction to coreboot, to its history and its philosophy, I read the wiki and also watched videos on YouTube, including the Google Tech Talk by Ron Minnich, Stefan Reinauer and Peter Stuge. I have downloaded coreboot, built the cross compiler and then built coreboot for emulation with QEMU x86, with SeaBIOS as payload. I managed to do this with the help of documentation from the wiki and a bit of searching through the web and through the mailing list archives. I couldn't try coreboot on my machine as my mainboard isn't supported (yet). Currently, I am trying to build and test coreboot for emulation with QEMU ARM. Unfortunately, I haven't had much progress there, but I will remain at it!
I have taken an introductory course in the C language at my University and a basic Digital Circuits course. I have a fair experience with Linux and git. Please tell me how I can get started to contribute to coreboot. I am certain that the skills and knowledge required to contribute is way more than I currently possess, but I am a keen learner.
Academically, I am interested in Embedded Systems and Computer Architecture, in which I hope to pursue higher studies. I consider being part of coreboot and contributing to it as an opportunity to learn more about these fields and to learn about open-source development as well. Also, I am looking forward to getting to know people and learning from them!
You can find me on IRC (Freenode) under the nick hatim. I am already a member of the #coreboot channel.
Thank you for your time and help.