4865dx; isa-486s; accepts pci cards; 200w psu; 6 memory slots; no heatsink or fan; 2 cpu sockets; adjustable cache size 64k, 128k, 256k; maybe accepts one 8 bit card; combine disk drive serial io controller on seperate card; tbase10 network card; seperate vga card;
not yet acquired linux boot disk; disk drive status dubious;
1437F0055; SL82C461; 9133NAS batch no?;
U131050M; u131050m; D27C12; m,c,1988; 1501v0; 486 bios hi; 1990; "award software inc" original author; A4060337 batch no.; 28 pin large style dual inline package;
don't know manafacture could be written under stuff 3/4 of the motherboard is covered in drives and cards assorted and psu;
spare memory chips available; able to flash eproms;