The name of the .exe is ml.exe. But it must generate 16 bit code. The last version that generates 16 bit code is 1.52. You will need the file SLIBC7.LIB too.
MASM 6.11 + Ms Visual C++ 1.52 (MSVC 1.52) + SLIBC7.LIB works fine. I tried it.
Apparently you need cl as well. I've got MASM and the assembly portions seem to be doing ok vsa_11\sysmgr\events.c however is giving things fits.
I think my tools may be too _new_. Even the cl that comes with VC 6 is pukeing
nonstandard extension used : __pascal is an obsolete keyword.
So I think I man need a 16bit C compiler as well.
Sheesh... I got into LinuxBIOS so I could get _away_ from all this crap.
-- Richard A. Smith