* Corey Osgood corey.osgood@gmail.com [070830 02:15]:
Okay, but how/where should documentation be placed? I can place comments in the code that I write, but there's no guarantee that a new dev will find them.
Generally, code comments should be doxygen style. This will make them appear in the code documentation on the web page.
Also, the Wiki is a good place for documentation.
digging around for them. doxygen is good in some ways, I've found but it only really helps if you can pinpoint a board that uses the function you want, and there's a comment to explain it.
The generated html documentation also has a search function.
What information are you missing from the doxygen docs? Maybe we can add them?
Perhaps some pages in the wiki documenting commonly used functions, or perhaps even on a per-file basis? For instance, something like this:
Hm... what about a "LinuxBIOSv2 internals" page with sub categories for each stage (preram init, linuxbios_ram.rom etc) and have other pages link to them.
Title: Commonly used functions in LinuxBIOSv2 pre-ram init (auto.c, raminit.c, *early*.c)
Menu: lists/links function names
Functions: (example) pci_write_configX(a, b, c): brief description of what pci_write_configX() does, what parameters need to be passed and what format they're in, perhaps link to another explanation of "device_t dev"
Does this sound like what people want? So far the call for documentation has been clear, just it's unclear what is wanted and where.