that seems like the kind of functionality it would make sense to handle in an abstracted way (perhaps using libpayload?) and let coreboot handle the board-specific flash interface. Has anyone looked into that kind of approach? This is something that's actually been on my to-do list for some time, as the UEFI firmware I build/distribute for ChromeOS devices suffers from the same limitations, which I'd love to eliminate
cheers, Matt
On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 11:26 AM, Ma, Maurice wrote:
Hi, Sibi,
Yes, UEFI payload follows the same way as standard UEFI FW on boot order handling. You will have to enable a NVRAM variable driver in order to maintain the boot options and order.
Current UEFI payload uses an generic emulated variable driver provided in EDK2 MdeModulePkg. With this driver, the variable will be lost after reboot since it is stored in memory.
To store it in NVRAM, you will then need to develop or port a flash based variable driver, and then replace the emulated variable driver. This part is very platform and silicon specific.
*From:* Leahy, Leroy P *Sent:* Wednesday, March 22, 2017 4:51 PM *To:*;; Ma, Maurice <>; Agyeman, Prince *Subject:* Re: Maintain boot order for multiple EFI based OS
Hi Maurice and Prince,
Would you please help answer the question below?
Hi Sibi,
The maintainers for the various EDK-II packages can be found in payloads/external/tianocore/tianocore/Maintainers.txt. In your case, search for CorebootPayloadPkg.
Lee Leahy
*From:* coreboot [] *On Behalf Of * *Sent:* Wednesday, March 22, 2017 6:20 AM *To:* *Subject:* [coreboot] Maintain boot order for multiple EFI based OS
*Dell - Internal Use - Confidential *
We are using the coreboot project with Intel fsp to boot the Intel Rangeley based Mohonpeak CPU. We have built the Tianocore EDK2 project and used it as the payload to bring UEFI services to this bootloader. With this payload, we are able to boot a EFI based OS successfully.
As a next step, we are looking at installing multiple EFI OS and maintaining boot order among the OS.
How is boot order maintained with UEFI payload?
Is it through EFI NVRAM variables? If so, does coreboot support NVRAM variables?
Can you please point us in the right direction.
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