* Aaron Durbin adurbin@google.com [151028 14:52]:
Various improvements and important bug fixes, that will be introduced to a master branch and affect all the coreboot boards, will not be automatically applied to that separate AMD branch. Those coreboot developers which have AMD boards and want to constantly use and test latest and greatest coreboot builds, they will have to constantly check the coreboot commit log and backport all these improvements and fixes to their separate (and soon to be abandoned) AMD branch. That will be adding lots of unnecessary manual work and draining lots of workhours, which otherwise could have been spent on writing the bug reports or improving a coreboot code which is common for all the coreboot-supported boards.
Those developers should then take a more active role in improving the code that is applicable to them. As it stands now, I don't see any work going in improving those code bases.
And there I am, waiting for people to review my AMD64 cleanup patches since July ;-) hint hint.