I am trying to build coreboot for AMD DB800 and that the Linux Kernel is never started but I see a prompt on the serial terminal "grub" and when I issue the boot command it complains of "Unsupported boot format". Has any body seen this before.
I have a HDD which has SLES 10 SP1 installed on it I have got four partitions one of them been a extended partition.
/dev/hda1 --> boot (ext2) /dev/hda2 --> swap /dev/hda3 --> Root file system (resierfs) /dev/.... ....
Based on this I have given the following options for FILO, do you think this is where the problem is....
MENULST_FILE = "hda1:/grub/menu.lst"
AUTOBOOT_FILE = "hda1:/vmlinuz initrd hda1:/initrd root=/dev/hda3 vga=0x317 console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200"
Regards, Phani