On Mon, Mar 05, 2007 at 09:36:50PM -0500, John Koleszar wrote:
When trying to boot off of the onboard CF (hde)
My filo Config and a complete debug log is attached. I suspect that my problem is with my filo build rather than linuxbios
There was no way to both use the CF slot as a boot device in FILO, and as the root device for the kernel when I was working on the MII back in September. I spent some time on it but did not see a simple solution.
Linux did not like the Ricoh bridge when set up so that FILO could use it.
While hacking on this problem Linux or FILO would just give errors when trying to talk to the card. There are documented problems with the Ricoh bridge. (2.6 PCMCIA HOWTO/FAQ)
I decided to work around the problem and got a CF->IDE adapter so that the CF is hda.