On 16.07.2007 21:18, Gürkan Sengün wrote:
Please find the output of flashrom -r of about 140 machines at the following address:
Great, thanks!
Could you please run lspci -n; dmidecode|grep "ROM Size"; flashrom -V on the following nodes: accra ain aken altmann amun anubis aragog arianrhod arvi asmara aten athens avon babi badb baku bast bat benu berlin bermuda bes beset bludger bombay boston branwyn brawen cailleach cairo canberra caracas cerridwen chepre cherti dagda danu dionysos dua dublin dumbledore edjo filch flidais frisco geb gwendydd gwethyr gwydion hagar hanoi hapi hapimou hathor hongkong horon horus hydros imuit isis khnum llyr london luanda lugh luna maat makat malabo malfoy maseru maui mertseger mesta mexico miami min mnevis moscow myrddin nefertem neith nekhbet neper nephtys niamh norris nut oahu ogma ottawa paris patil peking perth pince portkey qetesh quito re rhiannon riga rome roseau saa seshat sesmu seth smertrios sphinx squib sydney taranis taweret tefnut thot tokyo ukraine uneg valletta wadjet wosyet yaren
For the following pairs, only one result per pair was in your logs: bludger bombay cailleach cairo gwendydd gwethyr myrddin nefertem wadjet wosyet Maybe some connections failed.
Regards, Carl-Daniel