Good day coreboot community,
We (flashrom) recently has changed the gerrit config for code reviews permissions. I am writing this email because the change impacts coreboot community.
From now on, the gerrit group "flashrom reviewers" is set up to have permissions to approve patches in flashrom tree (vote -1..+2). Previously, in the absence of flashrom reviewers, the whole coreboot reviewers group could approve patches. Flashrom reviewers group is much smaller, and consists of developers who are currently active and take responsibility for some area(s) of flashrom tree. Specifically, all people in flashrom's MAINTAINERS file are in the reviewers group (see
This means some coreboot reviewers who previously could +2 patches in flashrom tree, won't be able to do this anymore.
If this is you:
#1 If you don't care about flashrom patches, all good, nothing to do.
#2 If you have active knowledge of flashrom code, have sent/reviewed flashrom patches before, and are ready to take responsibility for some area(s) of flashrom tree, this is amazing! Please say this aloud and we can try and translate this into an entry in flashrom MAINTAINERS file.
#3 If you are somewhere in between #1 and #2: in any case, all gerrit users can do code reviews (vote -1..+1) and add comments on patches. And if you want to follow the path #2, you are very very welcome to start being more active on flashrom.
Thank you for your attention!