It seems to not be related to register allocation, how many layers of functions, or code size, but to nested if statements or variations thereof, e.g. if ( (condition a) && ( condition b) ) ....
/home/dbell # uname -a Linux Doug 2.6.9 #1 Tue Jan 11 17:26:41 UTC 2005 i686 Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 1500MHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
Target is via epia-sp, under development but close to an alpha release with some open items.
BTW, is there any documentation regarding what limitations romcc has (e.g. multidimensional arrays not allowed, etc )?
Thanks, Doug
--- ron minnich wrote:
On 9/26/05, Doug Bell wrote:
0x8360d58 phi Internal compiler error: Cannot find block dominated by 0x82ba9a8
Any ideas on workarounds / fixes here? Is am I
out of registers or some other problem?
can you tell us more about the environment, uname -a distro, and linuxbios target?
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