On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 09:25:58AM -0700, ron minnich wrote:
Just a note of warning here. We tried this approach in 2001 or so. This approach may work on your board, and will likely work on many boards. What many vendors do, however, is hard-code timing information in their VGA BIOS -- e.g. DRAM info -- and they change parts and timing all the time. We found cards that were the same vendor, same card, same part number, that had different values for setup. We ultimately abandoned the approach you are using because of this problem.
Which is to say, I am glad this worked for you, but I am afraid it will not work in general.
For unichrome, this will work quite well if you take it per chip version. There's only like 11 out currently. And the amount of work is rather minimal per chip beyond the standard vga modeset (as i have been there on there EPIA M and, at the time, linuxbios v2)..
Luc Verhaegen.