Hi Paul,
- What is OSFF modeled like – like the Linux Foundation?
The slideshow linked on the opensourcefirmware.foundation homepage might answer some questions: https://opensourcefirmware.foundation/slides/Open-Source-Firmware-Foundation...
- What benefits does the coreboot project hope to get from being part
of OSFF? Because the goals align with the coreboot project goals?
Overall yes, the goals align well with those of the coreboot project. Personally I see value in creating a coherent organization representing the interest of various projects and parties in this ecosystem. For example, we've all seen many e-mail and chat threads about vendors that go nowhere. If OSFF can help bridge that gap between users/developers and vendors then it will be a huge help (that's a big "if").
- As what kind of member do we want to join?
Associate, like other open-source projects.
- What entity(?) of coreboot is joining?
The same one as with the Software Freedom Conservancy.
- Who pays the membership fees, and how much are they?
$0 for associate members.
- I couldn’t find the goals of the OSFF stated in the documents. The
bylaws say:
> The purposes of the Corporation shall be those set forth in the > Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation, as may be amended > from time to time (the "Articles of Incorporation"). I only found that members mostly have to “engage in or support the
production, manufacture, use, sale, or standardization of open-source firmware technologies”.
The slide deck on the homepage should clear things up.
- Who is going to represent the coreboot project in the OSFF?
Same as with the SFC.
- Who is the OSFF president and secretary Christian Burghart [1]?
He's the lawyer who handled the incorporation process. That's why the word "Initial" appears before those titles ;-)