* ron minnich rminnich@gmail.com [060721 17:07]:
Another comment on serial that I recalled last night. On any pc-compatible machine, from power on reset, a simple outb('0', 0x3f8) will get you output. Having to put a whole usb stack in there and get it working, for the same effect -- UGH!
Which is not really true in all cases. The SuperIO chip might very well need initialization.
What scares me more than the USB stack (because I believe this is doable in less than 100 lines for this very purpose of just using the _debug_ mode of EHCI) is that we need to see all PCI devices. This is pretty much the same problem that keeps us from just plugging in a 10$/€ PCI Serial card: Slot's behind the bridge and we might not see it early enough.