On 03.06.2008 07:51, ron minnich wrote:
who knows why I can't get port 4 to go ....
mystery so far.
This patch gets usb port 3 on dbe62 working and sets up a dts-based way to map USB EHCI power control registers to power enables pins 1 and 2.
Nice work! Do you plan to add that sort of info to your geode/cs5536 info dumper?
Why doesn't port 4 work? Who knows. That's a problem for another day.
Signed-off-by: Ronald G. Minnich rminnich@gmail.com
Acked-by: Carl-Daniel Hailfinger c-d.hailfinger.devel.2006@gmx.net with one minor cosmetic change (see below).
Index: southbridge/amd/cs5536/cs5536.c
--- southbridge/amd/cs5536/cs5536.c (revision 687) +++ southbridge/amd/cs5536/cs5536.c (working copy) @@ -454,8 +454,34 @@ *(bar + UOCMUX) |= PMUX_HOST;
/* Overcurrent configuration */
printk(BIOS_DEBUG, "UOCCAP is %x\n", *(bar + UOCCAP));
if (sb->enable_USBP4_overcurrent) *(bar + UOCCAP) |= sb->enable_USBP4_overcurrent;
/* power control. This is bit USB_PWR_EN2 in the UUCO.
* From Jordan: The kernel never sees a header for
* this device. It used to provide a OS visible
* device, but that was defeatured. There are still
* some registers in the block that are useful for the
* firmware to setup, but nothing that a kernel level
* driver would need to consume.
* That said, VSA _does_ provide the header under
* device ID PCI_DEVICE_ID_AMD_CS5536_OTG, but it is
* hidden when 0xDEADBEEF is written to config space
* register 0x7C
* (southbridge/amd/cs5536/cs5536.c:492).
* If you need to write the port power settings you
* can find the resource in the PCI config space and
* write to it as usual, just make sure that you do it
* before the block gets DEADBEEFed.
if (sb->pph) {
*(bar + UOCCAP) &= ~0xff;
*(bar + UOCCAP) |= sb->pph;
printk(BIOS_DEBUG, "UOCCAP is %x\n", *(bar + UOCCAP));
/* PBz#6466: If the UOC(OTG) device, port 4, is configured as a
Index: southbridge/amd/cs5536/dts
--- southbridge/amd/cs5536/dts (revision 687) +++ southbridge/amd/cs5536/dts (working copy) @@ -37,8 +37,31 @@ enable_ide_nand_flash = "0";
/* Enable USB Port 4 (0:host 1:device). */
- /* This means that the board or whatever would be a "gadget", i.e.
Please merge these two comment blocks (remove termination from the first one, remove beginning from the second one).
* you connect it to a computer and it looks like a storage or camera
* or printer.
enable_USBP4_device = "0";
/* This is a tad confusing, but it's hard to make it easy.
* These are the PPH bits (port power handling) in the
* USB Option Capability register. They are 4 2-bit fields
* that correspond to the four ports. This chip has two PWR ENABLE
* pins, and what you can do is, for each of the four fields,
* map which port controls which pin. It is common to map
* ports 1&2 to PWR_EN_1, and ports 3&4 to PWR_EN_2.
* The two bit fields are as follows:
* 00 -- no power ever
* 01 -- power control in EHCI will turn on both.
* 10 -- power control will turn on EN1
* 11 -- power control will turn on EN2
* This is all very wiring dependent, and there is a default value,
* so we let this default to 0, which to the driver means "do nothing",
* but if the mainboard sets it, then it will be set into the UOCCAP.
* for reference, DBE62 seems to want xx111010 -- xx because we
* can get port 3 to work, but not port 4.
pph = "0"; /* 0:off, xxxx:overcurrent setting, e.g. 0x3FEA.
- See CS5536 - Data Book (pages 380-381).
Index: mainboard/artecgroup/dbe62/dts
--- mainboard/artecgroup/dbe62/dts (revision 687) +++ mainboard/artecgroup/dbe62/dts (working copy) @@ -52,6 +52,8 @@ com2_address = "0x3f8"; /* Set com2 IRQ to be what is usually COM1 */ com2_irq = "4";
/* USB Port Power Handling setting. */
}; pci@15,2 { /config/("southbridge/amd/cs5536/ide");pph = "0xf5";
Regards, Carl-Daniel