Am 15.04.2010 01:58, schrieb repository service:
$(obj)/mainboard/$(MAINBOARDDIR)/crt0.s: $(obj)/crt0.S @printf " CC $(subst $(obj)/,,$(@))\n"
- $(CC) -MMD -x assembler-with-cpp -DASSEMBLY -E -I$(src)/include -I$(src)/arch/i386/include -I$(obj) -include $(obj)/config.h -I. -I$(src) $< > $ && mv $ $@
- $(CC) -MMD -x assembler-with-cpp -DASSEMBLY -E -I$(src)/include -I$(src)/arch/i386/include -I$(obj) -include $(obj)/config.h -I. -I$(src) $< -o $@
I think we did that to avoid partially written files to break the build (ie. gcc might not work atomically on -E)
Should we use -MF $(basename $@).d at that place (and the other two places) instead, which explicitely specifies the filename to use for the dependency file?