I warned you guys that when I started my CX700 port that my lack of intellect would be a problem. Well, I don't even know where to start.
I assume that I need to create a VT8454 directory in targets/via and mainboard/via (VT8454 is the eval board,I'm actually working on getting an MSI Industrial MS-9802 so I may have to copy everything over to that since I doubt the VT8454 will do anyone any good). But I'm not sure what to copy into those directories as a starting point? Is the EPIA-M good enough, I'm having a hard time parsing the files in there so I'm at a loss. In the src/northbridge and src/sourthbridge directories I assume I'll need to create a cx700 directory. But once again I'm at a loss as to which directory to use as a base platform. Everything I know about the CX700 seems so different that I'm concerned nothing will work. If I can just get it started to a point where I start getting serial output I think I'll have a place where I can at least start working and try things. If I use the EPIA-M setup, do you think I'll at least get that far? I've included my lspci and dmidecode output for everyone's reading pleasure.