Yeah, it compiled. Thanks.
Hugh Greenberg
Myles Watson wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 2:14 PM, Hugh Greenberg wrote:
>> I was able to get coreboot pretty much up and running with gpxe and seabios.
>> The trick was to use the Kconfig build system instead. I still have an
>> issue though. I was not able to build it with ACPI tables, an mp table, or
>> a PIRQ table. If I did, I got this error:
>> make: *** No rule to make target
>> `/local/coreboot-v2/src/mainboard/tyan/s2881/dsdt.dsl', needed by
>> `/local/coreboot-v2/build/dsdt.c'. Stop.
> The Tyan s2881 doesn't have ACPI support. It compiles for me if I select
> Generate an MP table &
> Generate a PIRQ table
> Could you try selecting just those two in the System Tables menu?
> Thanks,
> Myles