Does coreboot disable all BARs at start? Would SeaBIOS have to remember which BARs it disabled and then reenable them after the optionrom is copied?
The BARs are enabled when coreboot passes control to SeaBIOS. The expansion ROM may be an exception to that.
Since it works the first time, it seems like it must be something SeaBIOS or the expansion ROM code is doing to break it. Does the control pass to anyone else?
Also, does anyone know a reliable way to reset the machine? It might be simpler to have SeaBIOS just do a full reset when it detects a partial reset.
I actually like the partial reset, but maybe I'm in the minority.
At least on some K8-based machines coreboot will cause a reset if you jump to 0xfffffff0 because the reset bits weren't set correctly. I don't know if others work that way.
Thanks, Myles