On 20/12/07 09:50 -0800, ron minnich wrote:
Here's where the action is in build_target:
# make sure config.py is up-to-date
export PYTHONPATH=$config_dir $PYTHON $config_py $config_lb $lbpath
exit $?
This is at the end.
So we could, at the end, before exit, compute the distro-specific flags and then append them to $build_dir/Makefile.settings and $build_dir/*/Makefile.settings (I'm sorry for this part, I can only say mea culpa. Somebody got clever). Then all makefiles would pick that up -- they all include it.
That would probably do it.
This is the right solution - it will fix us now and forever (or until V3, which ever comes first).
but I don't claim to be a buildtarget hacker - if somebody can get a patch going, I'll test.
This is what buildrom does to check for the flag (paraphrasing from the Make syntax):
$(CC) -fno-stack-protector -xc /dev/null -o .$$.tmp > /dev/null 2>&1
If successful then the flag is valid. Error and its not.
Again, hugs and kisses to the gcc guys for making this so easy for us.