llandre wrote:
I can't understand how the GLCP_SYS_RSTPLL register is set on DB800. The strapping pins of the DB800 IRQ13,PW0,SUSPA#,GNT#[2:0] are all '0' and PW1 is '1'. Before the PLLs are configured, I can see on the console: "GLCP_SYS_RSTPLL (4c000014) value is: 000003d7:00001880". The last byte 0x80 confirms the strapping pins settings, but the PLL multipliers are already set (COREMULT = 11, GLIUMULT = 7, COREDIV and GLIUDIV set, so CPU freq = 400MHz and memory DDR266). Where are these values set ?
The CPU comes up in bypass mode but the multipliers are set to a default value. On the pll reset the default settings takes effect. In the databook, look at Table 6-87. The first line shows the bypass setting without PW1 set.
On my hardware, when pll_reset is called, the automatic configuration is used. If I try to use the manual configuration (#define ManualConf 1), the board hangs after the CPU is reset from pll_reset.
What did you set PLLMSRhi and PLLMSRlo to? If you have PW1 set on your platform you need to have the MBDIV and COREDIV bits set.