On Fri, Dec 04, 2015 at 05:50:29PM +0000, edward wandasiewicz wrote:
Looking at the output from Googles ChromeOS shell-ball, I do:
Write the hardware ID to get future ChromeOS updates
$ ./gbb_utility --set --hwid="SAMUS XXX-YYY-ZZZ" bios.bin bios.hwid.bin
# dd out 2 megs of the ROM at 4 megs in
$ dd bs=1M skip=4 count=2 if=bios.hwid.bin of=rwlegacy.cbfs
Using the flashrom from John's site as upstream doesn't know anything about flashmap.
$ wget https://johnlewis.ie/Chromebook-ROMs/utils/flashrom -O flashrom.jlewis
$ sudo ./flashrom.jlewis -w -i RW_LEGACY:rwlegacy.cbfs
Looking at your script, ORIGIMAGE is my bios.hwid.bin
Do I run flashrom from the shell-ball
$ sudo flashrom -w ./newimage.rom -i RW_LEGACY
Or John Lewis flashrom
$ sudo flashrom.jlewis.version -w ./newimage.rom -i RW_LEGACY
I would guess that either would work. Upstream flashrom is likely not going to work (if it doesn't support flashmap). As long as the flashrom does support flashmap, then it should work. (No guarantees.)