Hi. First of all sorry for my bad English. I want to add some code to seabios. I've add new .c file with one function. I want this code to be run from Windows running on qemu-kvm. This function have VISIBLE32FLAT and __attribute((used)) and noinline prefix. I've add my .c file to FLAT32SRC list. But after compiling this code is excluded from bios.bin (linker thinks that it will never used and dismiss it). If I call this function in test mode in _start() function, then after compilation this code is present in bios.bin. Is there any way to add independent code to bios.bin without calling functions in test mode?How to tell linker not to exclude this code? The second question is how to find the location of this function in bios.bin. As I understand it does not have the export table, how to find the beginning of my function?
Thanks in advance.