On Wed, Jun 09, 2010 at 09:46:27AM +0200, Stefan Reinauer wrote:
See patch
Thanks Stefan! It looks very useful.
I haven't had a chance to review the patch fully. One thing I did note is that the new file jpeg.c needs a copyright statement.
At a quick glance I also noticed a couple of minor things:
* It looks like you want malloc_tmplow/tmphigh instead of malloc_low/high - using the permanent allocations has an impact on reserved space even if they are eventually freed.
* I'd guess we'd want to malloc_tmp and cbfs_copyfile instead of cbfs_getfile - doing the jpeg uncompression with the rom as source could be slow.
* there seems to be some tab/space corruption in optionrom.c - seabios uses all spaces
* Do the vga changes justify a new file instead of an addition to optionrom.c?