On 08/03/2011 04:48 PM, Bjørn Mork wrote:
Is fixing JUNOS out of the question?
Yes, I would say so. The ability to run it on non-Juniper hardware is undocumented and unsupported to the degree that the functionality probably rather would be removed than fixed to support something like SeaBIOS.
AFAICT, Seabios complies with all relevant standards.
Yes, I have no reason to believe otherwise. But still it does behave sufficiently different from other BIOSes for low CPU count machines to fail in this particular case.
I see this as another end of the discussion about whether Linux should try to configure PC hardware in the same manner as Windows, as that is the configuration which will be tested by hardware vendors. Most OS vendors will test their systems with the big proprietary BIOSes and not with SeaBIOS.
Does that make sense?
It does, I wasn't sure if you're working on behalf of Juniper or not.
I guess the options are: - build time switch - run time switch, controlled by qemu via fwcfg - run time decision based on size - do nothing