Turns out it's this:
commit 76e58028d28e78431f9de3cee0b3c88d807fa39d Author: Kevin O'Connor kevin@koconnor.net Date: Wed Mar 6 21:50:09 2013 -0500
acpi: Eliminate BDAT parameter passing to DSDT code. The "BDAT" construct is the only ACPI mechanism that relies on SeaBIOS reserved memory. Replace it with the SSDT based template system. Signed-off-by: Kevin O'Connor <kevin@koconnor.net>
That is most likely dsdt + bios.bin not being in sync. Simply using 'qemu -bios /path/to/seabios/out/bios.bin' doesn't fly due to qemu using a non-matching dsdt then.
With qemu/master you can just use 'qemu -L /path/to/seabios/out' instead and qemu will pick up both bios.bin and dsdt from the fresh seabios build directory then (and anything else it doesn't find there from the default locations).
HTH, Gerd