On Mon, Feb 12, 2024 at 01:06:34PM +0100, Fiona Ebner wrote:
Am 10.02.24 um 21:17 schrieb Michael Tokarev:
So.. the difference is vgabios only, not seabios (vgabios-stdvga in this case).
And I can't get it to work with debugging vgabios, it always fails even with DEBUG_LEVEL=2 (and level-1 logging isn't useful).
I was able to capture logs just for the non-working version, so there's nothing to compare it against. So I tried a different machine type in qemu, the one which works, which uses SMBIOS 3.0 (q35-8.2).
Windows apparently doesn't read SMBIOS 3.0 tables: https://gitlab.com/qemu-project/qemu/-/issues/2008#note_1712210029
Not sure if this is relevant for your issue and it only "works" because of that with newer machine models. But it seems worth mentioning.
Note that there is an option to explicitly set the smbios version:
qemu -machine q35,smbios-entry-point-type={32,64}
That will override the machine type default.
take care, Gerd