I am using Seabios for qemu startup, and interested in the debugging by GDB to see how the bios works.
Currently, I do it as https://www.seabios.org/Debugging said but met some problems so that couldn't move on. :( Could someone give some pointers on what I missed or have to do to enable the gdb debugging?
Note: Arch: x86_64 PC CONFIG_DEBUG_SERIAL is enabled. CONFIG_RELOCATE_INIT is disabled.
1. After Qemu starts, I run "gdb out/rom32seg.o" in another session, and do "target remote localhost:1234", it warns me that "Selected architecture i386 is not compatible with reported target architecture i386:x86_64". But I didn't find any 64bit rom.
2. I can't set any breakpoints (e.g. maininit), because "Function maininit not defined". So where does seabios put the symbol table? And how to break the seabios functions when qemu starts?
Looking forward to your response! Thanks, Jing