On Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 07:13:27PM +0100, Tobias Diedrich wrote:
Wcall16 with invalid stack: eax=dfbf3e62 edx=0 func=0x000f9563 esp=dfbf3e50 ret=0x000f2304
│.text:000F22C8 sub_F22C8 proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_F2309+2Cvp ▒ │.text:000F22C8 ; sub_F2309+35vj
FYI, to line up "ret" with the code, one can look in out/romlayout32flat.lds . I prefer to run the following though:
objdump -m i386 -M suffix -d out/rom.o | less
and then look for the function containing the desired address.
The thread associated with esp=dfbf3e50 is key though, which is why the full log is useful.