CC'ing Gerd and the seabios list:
On 08/13/13 11:16, Fabio Fantoni wrote:
Il 12/08/2013 17:04, Fabio Fantoni ha scritto:
Dom0: Wheezy 64 bit with kernel from package linux-image-3.2.0-4-amd64 version 3.2.46-1 and all dependency packages for xen, spice and usb redirection. Seabios 1.7.3-1, qemu 1.5.0+dfsg-5 (1.5.1), spice 0.12.4-0nocelt1 and usbredir 0.6-2 compiled from debian unstable sources.
git clone git:// (in this build commit is 73f18583dd824f0e49f65149ef603600ce31b8ee)
Added some patches:
- tools-configure-qemu-for-spice-and-usbredir
- libxl-Add-spice-vdagent-support-for-upstream-qemu v3
- libxl: usb2 and usb3 controller support for upstream qemu v4
- tools-firmware-seabios-packaged
- tools: Improve make deb v3
- tools: remove or disable old/useless/unused/unmainted stuff (the
whole series of 9 patches)
./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-xend
make debball
New issue:
- domU not start with qemu 1.5.1 and more that 2 gb of ram: tested on w7 64 bit domU with 4 gb of ram, with built-in qemu 1.3 it
works, while with qemu 1.5.1 doesn't (stops at the beginning, spice client show only the lines of seabios version and machine UUID; qemu log show nothing more that 2 gb test), while with 2 gb of ram works also with qemu 1.5.1
Added qemu-devel and debian maintainers to cc for this regression about upstream qemu. If you need more details and tests tell me and I'll do/post them.
As a superficial guess, this could be fixed by the seabios- release:
Old issue:
- Network is not working after restore on Windows domU with qemu-xen
and gplpv Workaround: fixed mac address
- Starting xendomain with "xl create" show some debug options: Starting auto Xen domains: W7.cfgxc: info: VIRTUAL MEMORY ARRANGEMENT: Loader: 0000000000100000->000000000019eb68 Modules: 0000000000000000->0000000000000000 TOTAL: 0000000000000000->000000007f000000 ENTRY ADDRESS: 0000000000100000
xc: info: PHYSICAL MEMORY ALLOCATION: 4KB PAGES: 0x0000000000000200 2MB PAGES: 0x00000000000003f7 1GB PAGES: 0x0000000000000000 [done]. I think it is would be better hiding them here
- on W7 pro 64 bit domU error in the begin of qemu log, while domU
seem to work: xc: error: linux_gnttab_set_max_grants: ioctl SET_MAX_GRANTS failed (22 = Invalid argument): Internal error xen be: qdisk-832: xc_gnttab_set_max_grants failed: Invalid argument
- nested hvm was bugged: started test it on windows 7 pro 64 domU on
qemu-xen, xpmode crashed on install without show error, no error on logs and havdetection works Now xpmode install and start correctly except integration features (disks,printers,clipboard sharing) and usb passthrough (of xpmode)