I see that you decided to continue it with "abcdef" instead of suggested "qwerty". Interesting, what approach would be more convenient for the end user...
I find lexical ordering more intuitive. The char array allows easy reordering though.
Also note that not all keyboards layouts have querty ordering. Mine (german) has quertz, and dvorak looks completely different.
On the other hand seabios doesn't support layouts other than us english anyway ...
Also, what do you think about moving a tpm menu key from "t" letter (which is weirdly situated in the middle of keyboard) to "m" letter, which is at the end of letter rows? also t = trusted - is an adjective, while m = module is a noun, so seems to be more appropriate for the naming.
But "module" is a rather generic word, I don't think this is useful.
cheers, Gerd