On 03/08/13 08:47, Paolo Bonzini wrote:
FWIW I find the binaries in git to be a PITA. I submitted a patch in January to fix the VGA BIOS but it's still broken in git. The one installed in /usr/share/qemu is fine, but whenever I build qemu from git I have to remember to *remove* the one in the git tree or it uses that instead...
Wasn't that a fix for the SeaBIOS VGA BIOS? The one in qemu.git is still built from the Bochs VGA BIOS.
Last year, malc blocked the switch on the lack of protected mode interface in SeaVGABIOS.
Fedora switched though, so the distro binaries in /usr/share/qemu are the seavgabios ones.
"make -C roms seavgabios" in the qemu source tree will upgrade the blobs in pc-bios/.
cheers, Gerd