07.02.2014 15:40, Ian Campbell wrote: []
Note that the SeaBIOS image is baked into Xen at build time, not picked up at runtime like with (I think) qemu.
Oh. Now things are much clearer. Indeed, qemu does not embed seabios inside any image at build time, it just loads the bios from a given file, and you can even tell it to use another bios. Ditto for other optional roms, network boot roms, vga bios and other things.
And so yes, with new xen builds it should just pick bios-256k.bin from qemu instead of bios.bin, so indeed, qemu does not need to build xen support for a smaller version of bios.bin it ships, anymore. So finally I see the good reason of what Gerd did when removing xen support from small bios.bin.
Is it possible to change xen to do something similar?