This is a repost of a series of patches providing TPM support to SeaBIOS.
As an addition, this patch series now works on the Acer C720 Chromebook
with limitations (S3 not getting invoked; no logging into TCPA table).
The patch series cleanly applies to a checkout of a1ac8861.
The following set of patches add TPM and Trusted Computing support to SeaBIOS.
In particular the patches add:
- a TPM driver for the Qemu's TPM TIS emulation
- Support for initialzation of the TPM
- init of TCPA …
[View More]logging table
- Support for the TCG BIOS extensions (1ah handler [ah = 0xbb])
(used by trusted grub;
- Static Root of Trusted for Measurement (SRTM) support
- Support for S3 resume (sends command to TPM upon resume)
- Support for sending control messages from the OS to the BIOS
and have the BIOS control certain life-cycle aspects of the TPM
following those messages
- TPM-specific menu for controlling aspects of the TPM
All implementations necessarily follow specifications.
When all patches are applied the following services are available
- SSDT ACPI table for TPM support
- initialization of the TPM upon VM start and S3 resume
- Static root of trust for measurements (SRTM) that measures (some) data
of SeaBIOS in TCPA ACPI table
- 1ah interrupt handler offering APIs for measuring and sending commands to
the TPM (trusted grub uses them)
- With an extensions to QEMU's TPM SSDT: The root user in Linux (for example)
can send the above mentioned control messages to the BIOS and have the
BIOS act upon them
- User menu for controlling aspects of the state of the TPM
Stefan Berger (6):
Add an implementation of a TPM TIS driver
Implementation of the TCG BIOS extensions
Support for BIOS interrupt handler
Add 'measurement' code to the BIOS
Support for TPM Physical Presence Interface
Add a menu for TPM control
Makefile | 5 +-
src/Kconfig | 7 +
src/boot.c | 28 +-
src/cdrom.c | 11 +
src/clock.c | 12 +
src/config.h | 1 +
src/hw/tpm_drivers.c | 291 +++++++
src/hw/tpm_drivers.h | 90 +++
src/optionroms.c | 4 +
src/post.c | 12 +
src/resume.c | 2 +
src/sha1.c | 145 ++++
src/sha1.h | 8 +
src/std/acpi.h | 20 +
src/tcgbios.c | 2181 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
src/tcgbios.h | 456 +++++++++++
src/util.h | 2 +
src/x86.h | 7 +
18 files changed, 3277 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 src/hw/tpm_drivers.c
create mode 100644 src/hw/tpm_drivers.h
create mode 100644 src/sha1.c
create mode 100644 src/sha1.h
create mode 100644 src/tcgbios.c
create mode 100644 src/tcgbios.h
[View Less]
KVM Forum 2015: Call For Participation
August 19-21, 2015 - Sheraton Seattle - Seattle, WA
(All submissions must be received before midnight May 1, 2015)
KVM is an industry leading open source hypervisor that provides an ideal
platform for datacenter virtualization, virtual desktop infrastructure,
and cloud computing. Once again, it's time to bring together the
[View More]community of developers and users that define the KVM ecosystem for
our annual technical conference. We will discuss the current state of
affairs and plan for the future of KVM, its surrounding infrastructure,
and management tools. Mark your calendar and join us in advancing KVM.
This year, the KVM Forum is moving back to North America. We will be
colocated with the Linux Foundation's LinuxCon North America, CloudOpen
North America, ContainerCon and Linux Plumbers Conference events.
Attendees of KVM Forum will also be able to attend a shared hackathon
event with Xen Project Developer Summit on August 18, 2015.
We invite you to lead part of the discussion by submitting a speaking
proposal for KVM Forum 2015.
Suggested topics:
* Scaling and optimizations
* Nested virtualization
* Linux kernel performance improvements
* Resource management (CPU, I/O, memory)
* Hardening and security
* VFIO: SR-IOV, GPU, platform device assignment
* Architecture ports
* Management interfaces: QOM and QMP
* New devices, new boards, new architectures
* Scaling and optimizations
* Desktop virtualization and SPICE
* Virtual GPU
* virtio and vhost, including non-Linux or non-virtualized uses
* Hardening and security
* New storage features
* Live migration and fault tolerance
* High availability and continuous backup
* Real-time guest support
* Emulation and TCG
* Firmware: ACPI, UEFI, coreboot, u-Boot, etc.
* Testing
Management and infrastructure
* Managing KVM: Libvirt, OpenStack, oVirt, etc.
* Storage: glusterfs, Ceph, etc.
* Software defined networking: Open vSwitch, OpenDaylight, etc.
* Network Function Virtualization
* Security
* Provisioning
* Performance tuning
Abstracts due: May 1, 2015
Please submit a short abstract (~150 words) describing your presentation
proposal. Slots vary in length up to 45 minutes. Also include in your
the proposal type -- one of:
- technical talk
- end-user talk
Submit your proposal here:
Please only use the categories "presentation" and "panel discussion"
You will receive a notification whether or not your presentation proposal
was accepted by May 29, 2015.
Speakers will receive a complimentary pass for the event. In the instance
that your submission has multiple presenters, only the primary speaker for a
proposal will receive a complementary event pass. For panel
discussions, all
panelists will receive a complimentary event pass.
A good technical talk should not just report on what has happened over
the last year; it should present a concrete problem and how it impacts
the user and/or developer community. Whenever applicable, focus on
work that needs to be done, difficulties that haven't yet been solved,
and on decisions that other developers should be aware of. Summarizing
recent developments is okay but it should not be more than a small
portion of the overall talk.
One of the big challenges as developers is to know what, where and how
people actually use our software. We will reserve a few slots for end
users talking about their deployment challenges and achievements.
If you are using KVM in production you are encouraged submit a speaking
proposal. Simply mark it as an end-user talk. As an end user, this is a
unique opportunity to get your input to developers.
We will reserve some time for people to get together and discuss
strategic decisions as well as other topics that are best solved within
smaller groups.
These sessions will be announced during the event. If you are interested
in organizing such a session, please add it to the list at
Let people you think might be interested know about it, and encourage
them to add their names to the wiki page as well. Please try to
add your ideas to the list before KVM Forum starts.
If you are proposing a panel discussion, please make sure that you list
all of your potential panelists in your abstract. We will request full
biographies if a panel is accepted.
KVM Forum 2015 will be taking place at the Sheraton Seattle Hotel. We
are pleased to offer attendees a discounted room rate of US$199/night
(plus applicable taxes) which includes wifi in your guest room.
includes further information on the Sheraton Seattle and the discounted
room rate, as well as on transportation and parking options for the hotel.
Notification: May 29, 2015
Schedule announced: June 3, 2015
Event dates: August 19-21, 2015
Thank you for your interest in KVM. We're looking forward to your
submissions and seeing you at the KVM Forum 2015 in August!
-your KVM Forum 2015 Program Committee
Please contact us with any questions or comments.
[View Less]
The SMBIOS anchor string _SM_ is stored within SeaBIOS to validate
an SMBIOS entry point structure. There is the possibility (observed)
that this comparison string ends up paragraph aligned and mistakenly
found during a search for the real SMBIOS entry point. Ensure it will
never end up on a paragraph boundary by storing it at odd alignment.
Signed-off-by: Bruce Rogers <brogers(a)>
src/fw/biostables.c | 5 ++++-
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/…
[View More]src/fw/biostables.c b/src/fw/biostables.c
index 50a891b..b8ff86f 100644
--- a/src/fw/biostables.c
+++ b/src/fw/biostables.c
@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
#include "util.h" // copy_table
#include "x86.h" // outb
+// ensure signature cannot be found on paragraph boundary
+const char smbios_sig_str[] __aligned(2) VARFSEG = " _SM_";
struct pir_header *PirAddr VARFSEG;
@@ -271,7 +274,7 @@ copy_smbios(void *pos)
if (SMBiosAddr)
struct smbios_entry_point *p = pos;
- if (memcmp(p->anchor_string, "_SM_", 4))
+ if (memcmp(p->anchor_string, smbios_sig_str + 1, 4))
if (checksum(pos, 0x10) != 0)
[View Less]
The same SeaBIOS image and same win8 hard drive can boot Mullins and Kabini.
So I believe the SeaBIOS and hard drive are both OK.
Since it is a new APU, there might be some potential problem in Coreboot. But I have
no way to find it out. What I am looking for is the way to debug at Windows bootloader
stage, before the kernel image is loaded.
On 3/25/2015 3:59 PM, Kevin O'Connor wrote:
> There have been success reports with SeaBIOS booting Windows 8, so
> it's not a general win8 …
[View More]problem.
for sure - no issues booting Win8/8.1/10TP on the Haswell ChromeOS devices using SeaBIOS 1.8.0
> If possible, try to pull the disk image into a QEMU VM and see if it
> has the same crash when running QEMU with a native instance of
> SeaBIOS.
> Also, make sure the problem is still present with SeaBIOS debug level
> 1 - very high debug levels are known to cause issues with some
> software.
> -Kevin
> _______________________________________________
> SeaBIOS mailing list
> SeaBIOS at
[View Less]
On 03/27/2015 03:58 AM, Xu, Quan wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Xu, Quan
>> Sent: Friday, March 27, 2015 10:01 AM
>> To: 'Stefan Berger'; Kevin O'Connor
>> Cc: seabios(a); stefano.stabellini(a)
>> Subject: RE: [PATCH v10 3/6] Support for BIOS interrupt handler
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Stefan Berger []
>>> Sent: …
[View More]Thursday, March 26, 2015 7:04 PM
>>> To: Xu, Quan; Kevin O'Connor
>>> Cc: seabios(a); stefano.stabellini(a)
>>> Subject: Re: [PATCH v10 3/6] Support for BIOS interrupt handler
>>> On 03/26/2015 07:01 AM, Xu, Quan wrote:
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: Stefan Berger []
>>>>> Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2015 6:18 PM
>>>>> To: Kevin O'Connor; Xu, Quan
>>>>> Cc: seabios(a); stefano.stabellini(a)
>>>>> Subject: Re: [PATCH v10 3/6] Support for BIOS interrupt handler
>>>>> On 03/25/2015 06:42 PM, Kevin O'Connor wrote:
>>>>>> On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 11:10:03AM -0400, Stefan Berger wrote:
>>>>>>> On 03/23/2015 08:13 PM, Kevin O'Connor wrote:
>>>>>>>> Because of the mixed 16bit/32bit code in SeaBIOS, all assembler
>>>>>>>> must use size suffixes - so the above should be "roll" instead of "rol".
>>>>>>> Ok, fixed.
>>>>>>>> As before - both issues are minor and can be addressed after
>>>>>>>> merge (as long as there is agreement that the sha1.c file can be
>>>>>>>> licensed as LGPLv3).
>>>>>>> It can have that license. I can post v11 or you can modify it,
>>>>>>> either way is fine.
>>>>>> Thanks. I pushed the first three patches into a test branch at:
>>>>>> I'd like to get confirmation that this works for the Xen
>>>>>> requirements before merging.
>>>>> I don't use Xen. I hope that Quan will provide feedback.
>>>>> Stefan
>>>> Sure, I am glad to help you test it :):) Try to
>>>> ??
>>> Yes.
>>> Stefan
>> Just for check,
>> I can NOT git clone
>> I can clone and checkout * tcg-testing
>> branch.
>> Correct?
>> Quan
> Share the test result first. It is not working with Xen vTPM.
> The log from vtpm mini-os:
> [.. ]
> tpm_testing.c:229: Debug: verify plain text
> tpm_testing.c:261: Info: Self-Test succeeded
> tpm_startup.c:43: Info: TPM_Startup(1)
> Tpmback:Info Frontend 0/0 connected
> tpm_cmd_handler.c:4217: Debug: tpm_handle_command(0)
> tpm_cmd_handler.c:3514: Debug: [TPM_TAG_RQU_COMMAND]
> tpm_cmd_handler.c:3537: Debug: [TPM_ORD_Startup]
> tpm_startup.c:43: Info: TPM_Startup(1)
> tpm_cmd_handler.c:4151: Info: TPM command failed: (0x26) The command was received in the wrong sequence
> relative to TPM_Init and a subsequent TPM_Startup.
> [..]
> In my opinion, we need this patch for Xen vTPM too.
Which patch is 'this patch'?
Does the above indicate that TPM_Startup(1) is sent twice to the Xen
vTPM? Besides SeaBIOS, what else is sending a TPM_Startup()? If there is
something else in Xen that sends a TPM_Startup() to the TPM, before
SeaBIOS does, then the following code may apply as well:
This part is from src/tcgbios.c.
+ rc = build_and_send_cmd(TPM_ORD_Startup,
+ Startup_ST_CLEAR, sizeof(Startup_ST_CLEAR),
+ NULL, 10, &returnCode,
+ dprintf(DEBUG_tcg, "Return code from TPM_Startup = 0x%08x\n",
+ returnCode);
Here you could add a check whether you are running on Xen and ignore the
error returned from TPM_Startup().
+ /* with other firmware on the system the TPM may already have been
+ * initialized
+ */
+ if (returnCode == TPM_INVALID_POSTINIT)
+ returnCode = 0;
+ }
+ if (rc || returnCode)
+ goto err_exit;
> now Xen vTPM is working with two basic functions: TPM TCPA / SSDT and registers reset
> in my previous seabios patch.
> Quan
[View Less]
On 03/26/2015 07:01 AM, Xu, Quan wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Stefan Berger []
>> Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2015 6:18 PM
>> To: Kevin O'Connor; Xu, Quan
>> Cc: seabios(a); stefano.stabellini(a)
>> Subject: Re: [PATCH v10 3/6] Support for BIOS interrupt handler
>> On 03/25/2015 06:42 PM, Kevin O'Connor wrote:
>>> On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 11:10:03AM -0400, …
[View More]Stefan Berger wrote:
>>>> On 03/23/2015 08:13 PM, Kevin O'Connor wrote:
>>>>> Because of the mixed 16bit/32bit code in SeaBIOS, all assembler must
>>>>> use size suffixes - so the above should be "roll" instead of "rol".
>>>> Ok, fixed.
>>>>> As before - both issues are minor and can be addressed after merge
>>>>> (as long as there is agreement that the sha1.c file can be licensed
>>>>> as LGPLv3).
>>>> It can have that license. I can post v11 or you can modify it, either
>>>> way is fine.
>>> Thanks. I pushed the first three patches into a test branch at:
>>> I'd like to get confirmation that this works for the Xen requirements
>>> before merging.
>> I don't use Xen. I hope that Quan will provide feedback.
>> Stefan
> Sure, I am glad to help you test it :):)
> Try to ??
[View Less]
When building SeaBIOS in the context of QEMU v2.3-rc0 using
various openSUSE versions we found that some recent versions
overflowed the 128K limit imposed for bios.bin. The Makefile
fails with the suggestion of using a more recent toolset or of
eliminating some features to make it fit. Neither of those are
options in this case.
Of course another option is to review the code for places where
variables or strings can be reduced in size without changing
functionality. That doesn't buy us …
[View More]all that much, but enough
for all of our cases except the oldest toolset. I'll post the
patches I came up with during this review of the SeaBIOS code
shortly to see what people think.
The 128K bios.bin needed by older QEMU machine types doesn't
need new functionality, but some future SeaBIOS changes will
undoubtedly still cause it to continue to grow a bit. Since we are
right at the boundary of overflowing 128K, I thought it was worth
investing some effort in backing away from that limit so we don't
have to constantly worry about every small change causing an
issue there.
In addition to the above mentioned data size reductions, another thing
I noticed was that the e820 array is 32 entries, as given by BUILD_MAX_E820.
It appears that QEMU only will ever fill 16 of those entries, so perhaps
it would make sense to reduce that size when the usage is for QEMU only.
As a more general query, I was wondering if anyone else knew of places
where the size of SeaBIOS could be reduced? I'd be happy to try to help
make that happen.
Bruce Rogers
[View Less]
This is a repost of a series of patches providing TPM support to SeaBIOS.
As an addition, this patch series now works on the Acer C720 Chromebook
with limitations (S3 not getting invoked; no logging into TCPA table).
The patch series cleanly applies to a checkout of b4581224.
The following set of patches add TPM and Trusted Computing support to SeaBIOS.
In particular the patches add:
- a TPM driver for the Qemu's TPM TIS emulation
- Support for initialzation of the TPM
- init of TCPA …
[View More]logging table
- Support for the TCG BIOS extensions (1ah handler [ah = 0xbb])
(used by trusted grub;
- Static Root of Trusted for Measurement (SRTM) support
- Support for S3 resume (sends command to TPM upon resume)
- Support for sending control messages from the OS to the BIOS
and have the BIOS control certain life-cycle aspects of the TPM
following those messages
- TPM-specific menu for controlling aspects of the TPM
All implementations necessarily follow specifications.
When all patches are applied the following services are available
- SSDT ACPI table for TPM support
- initialization of the TPM upon VM start and S3 resume
- Static root of trust for measurements (SRTM) that measures (some) data
of SeaBIOS in TCPA ACPI table
- 1ah interrupt handler offering APIs for measuring and sending commands to
the TPM (trusted grub uses them)
- With an extensions to QEMU's TPM SSDT: The root user in Linux (for example)
can send the above mentioned control messages to the BIOS and have the
BIOS act upon them
- User menu for controlling aspects of the state of the TPM
Stefan Berger (6):
Add an implementation of a TPM TIS driver
Implementation of the TCG BIOS extensions
Support for BIOS interrupt handler
Add 'measurement' code to the BIOS
Support for TPM Physical Presence Interface
Add a menu for TPM control
Makefile | 5 +-
src/Kconfig | 7 +
src/boot.c | 27 +-
src/cdrom.c | 11 +
src/clock.c | 13 +
src/config.h | 1 +
src/hw/tpm_drivers.c | 291 +++++++
src/hw/tpm_drivers.h | 90 +++
src/optionroms.c | 4 +
src/post.c | 14 +
src/resume.c | 3 +
src/sha1.c | 145 ++++
src/sha1.h | 8 +
src/std/acpi.h | 20 +
src/tcgbios.c | 2186 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
src/tcgbios.h | 454 +++++++++++
src/util.h | 2 +
src/x86.h | 7 +
18 files changed, 3283 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 src/hw/tpm_drivers.c
create mode 100644 src/hw/tpm_drivers.h
create mode 100644 src/sha1.c
create mode 100644 src/sha1.h
create mode 100644 src/tcgbios.c
create mode 100644 src/tcgbios.h
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On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 12:14:00PM -0700, David Hendricks wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 7:27 PM, Bao, Zheng <Zheng.Bao(a)> wrote:
> > I am porting the coreboot to a platform with a new AMD APU, which is close
> > to Kabini and Mullins.
> > Now the board can boot Ubuntu and Windows 7. But it failed to boot Windows
> > 8.
> > It crashes at a very early stage, which seems to be Windows bootloader.
> > The debug message of SeaBIOS is attached.
[View More]> >
> > The interrupt routine installed by SeaBIOS still work. We can see
> > handle_13, handle_08, handle_1a are called once in a while.
> > There is no BSOD. There is only a windows logo on the monitor, without
> > progress ring of Windows 8.
> > Even the debug version of windows 8 doesn't help, because it crashes
> > before the image is loaded.
> >
> > Is there any more way to debug windows 8 bootloader?
There have been success reports with SeaBIOS booting Windows 8, so
it's not a general win8 problem.
If possible, try to pull the disk image into a QEMU VM and see if it
has the same crash when running QEMU with a native instance of
Also, make sure the problem is still present with SeaBIOS debug level
1 - very high debug levels are known to cause issues with some
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