Attention is currently required from: Brandon Weeks, Felix Held.
Hello Felix Held, build bot (Jenkins),
I'd like you to reexamine a change. Please visit
to look at the new patch set (#2).
The following approvals got outdated and were removed:
Code-Review+1 by Felix Held, Verified+1 by build bot (Jenkins)
Change subject: mb/cwwk/adl: Various device tree fixes
[View More]
mb/cwwk/adl: Various device tree fixes
- Set pmc_gpe0_dw{0-3} to resolve a warning
- Set CLKREQ# based on register value from vendor firmware
- Enable ITE environment controller
Change-Id: I9365e76c593b7e4a334dcdc5ecd46da253e14716
Signed-off-by: Brandon Weeks <bweeks(a)>
M src/mainboard/cwwk/adl/devicetree.cb
1 file changed, 33 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
git pull ssh:// refs/changes/60/86260/2
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Gerrit-MessageType: newpatchset
Gerrit-Project: coreboot
Gerrit-Branch: main
Gerrit-Change-Id: I9365e76c593b7e4a334dcdc5ecd46da253e14716
Gerrit-Change-Number: 86260
Gerrit-PatchSet: 2
Gerrit-Owner: Brandon Weeks <bweeks(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Felix Held <felix-coreboot(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: build bot (Jenkins) <no-reply(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Brandon Weeks <bweeks(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Felix Held <felix-coreboot(a)>
[View Less]
Attention is currently required from: Hung-Te Lin.
Vince Liu has posted comments on this change by Vince Liu. ( )
Change subject: soc/mediatek/mt8189: Reduce bootblock size by separating SPI NOR GPIOs
Patch Set 3:
(1 comment)
Commit Message:… :
PS2, Line 12: This modification reduces the …
[View More]bootblock code size by 1KB.
> Please either […]
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Gerrit-MessageType: comment
Gerrit-Project: coreboot
Gerrit-Branch: main
Gerrit-Change-Id: If7e8e5c7db59b5f181db14f6e66df2f333dbb6d4
Gerrit-Change-Number: 86538
Gerrit-PatchSet: 3
Gerrit-Owner: Vince Liu <vince-wl.liu(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Hung-Te Lin <hungte(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Yidi Lin <yidilin(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Yu-Ping Wu <yupingso(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: build bot (Jenkins) <no-reply(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Hung-Te Lin <hungte(a)>
Gerrit-Comment-Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2025 00:25:46 +0000
Gerrit-HasComments: Yes
Gerrit-Has-Labels: No
Comment-In-Reply-To: Yu-Ping Wu <yupingso(a)>
[View Less]
Attention is currently required from: Hung-Te Lin, Vince Liu.
Hello Hung-Te Lin, Yidi Lin, Yu-Ping Wu, build bot (Jenkins),
I'd like you to reexamine a change. Please visit
to look at the new patch set (#3).
Change subject: soc/mediatek/mt8189: Reduce bootblock size by separating SPI NOR GPIOs
soc/mediatek/mt8189: Reduce bootblock size by separating SPI NOR …
[View More]GPIOs
In the bootblock stage, only SPI NOR related GPIOs are used. To optimize the code size, separate the SPI NOR GPIO driving information. This modification reduces the bootblock code size by 1KB.
TEST=booted successfully
Signed-off-by: Vince Liu <vince-wl.liu(a)>
Change-Id: If7e8e5c7db59b5f181db14f6e66df2f333dbb6d4
M src/soc/mediatek/mt8189/gpio.c
1 file changed, 37 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
git pull ssh:// refs/changes/38/86538/3
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Gerrit-MessageType: newpatchset
Gerrit-Project: coreboot
Gerrit-Branch: main
Gerrit-Change-Id: If7e8e5c7db59b5f181db14f6e66df2f333dbb6d4
Gerrit-Change-Number: 86538
Gerrit-PatchSet: 3
Gerrit-Owner: Vince Liu <vince-wl.liu(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Hung-Te Lin <hungte(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Yidi Lin <yidilin(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Yu-Ping Wu <yupingso(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: build bot (Jenkins) <no-reply(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Hung-Te Lin <hungte(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Vince Liu <vince-wl.liu(a)>
[View Less]
Attention is currently required from: Subrata Banik, Zhixing Ma.
Hello Bora Guvendik, Jayvik Desai, Jérémy Compostella, Kapil Porwal, Pranava Y N, Subrata Banik, build bot (Jenkins),
I'd like you to reexamine a change. Please visit
to look at the new patch set (#8).
Change subject: mainboard/google/fatcat: Fix SMBIOS Processor upgrade info
[View More]fatcat: Fix SMBIOS Processor upgrade info
The current SMBIOS for fatcat is missing processor upgrade information.
This patch adds the missing value by enabling kconfig flag
Refer to SMBIOS spec sheet for documentation on cpu socket values:…
Output of dmidecode:
Handle 0x0004, DMI type 4, 48 bytes
Processor Information
Socket Designation: CPU0
Type: Central Processor
Family: Pentium Pro
Manufacturer: GenuineIntel
ID: C0 06 0C 00 FF FB EB BF
Signature: Type 0, Family 6, Model 204, Stepping 0
Flags: ...
Version: Genuine Intel(R) 0000
Voltage: Unknown
External Clock: 100 MHz
Max Speed: 3200 MHz
Current Speed: 3000 MHz
Status: Populated, Enabled
- Upgrade: Unknown
+ Upgrade: Other
TEST=Boot and verified that SMBIOS processor upgrade value is correct.
Change-Id: Ica92d15e4a6123f928fceb77c7638e4c45d6dc7d
Signed-off-by: Zhixing Ma <>
M src/mainboard/google/fatcat/Kconfig
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 0 deletions(-)
git pull ssh:// refs/changes/60/85960/8
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Gerrit-MessageType: newpatchset
Gerrit-Project: coreboot
Gerrit-Branch: main
Gerrit-Change-Id: Ica92d15e4a6123f928fceb77c7638e4c45d6dc7d
Gerrit-Change-Number: 85960
Gerrit-PatchSet: 8
Gerrit-Owner: Zhixing Ma <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Bora Guvendik <bora.guvendik(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Jayvik Desai <jayvik(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Jérémy Compostella <jeremy.compostella(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Kapil Porwal <kapilporwal(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Pranava Y N <pranavayn(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Subrata Banik <subratabanik(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: build bot (Jenkins) <no-reply(a)>
Gerrit-CC: Zhixing Ma <>
Gerrit-Attention: Zhixing Ma <>
Gerrit-Attention: Subrata Banik <subratabanik(a)>
[View Less]
Attention is currently required from: Alok Agarwal, Anil Kumar K, Intel coreboot Reviewers, Jayvik Desai, Jérémy Compostella, Kapil Porwal, Paul Menzel, Pranava Y N, Vikrant L Jadeja.
Julius Werner has posted comments on this change by Jérémy Compostella. ( )
The change is no longer submittable: All-Comments-Resolved is unsatisfied now.
Change subject: soc/intel/pantherlake: Display Sign-of-Life during memory training
[View More]....................................................
Patch Set 21:
(1 comment)
File src/soc/intel/pantherlake/romstage/fsp_params.c:… :
PS21, Line 387: m_cfg->VgaMessage = (efi_uintn_t)ux_locales_get_text(UX_LOCALE_MSG_MEMORY_TRAINING);
> > After a good night's sleep, I realize that I want to align with your opinion of not pursuing such […]
Why not try Jérémy's solution for now and use it for as many generations as it works in? "common" doesn't need to mean "it has to work in every SoC from now till the end of forever". As long as it's common between at least two SoCs and it's a large enough piece of code worth deduplicating, you can factor it out into common code.
Just call the file `common/fsp_esol.c` for now, and if they eventually change the UPDs you can rename it to `common/fsp_esol_2025.c` and put a `common/fsp_esol_2028.c` or whatever with the new implementation next to it (or whatever other version distinguisher seems suitable for that). Then each SoC just needs to select the version that's applicable to them, but we still duplicate less code than if we had kept a separate copy for each SoC. (Compare, for example, how there's a `dpm_v1.c` and `dpm_v2.c` in `src/soc/mediatek/common`. `mt8188`, `mt8192` and `mt8195` refer to `dpm_v1.c` in their Makefiles, and `mt8196` and later will use `dpm_v2.c`. On the Arm boards we just tend to pull in common `.c` files from the SoC-specific Makefile so this pick-and-choose approach becomes particularly easy, but you can achieve the same with SoC-selected Kconfigs if you prefer too.)
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Gerrit-MessageType: comment
Gerrit-Project: coreboot
Gerrit-Branch: main
Gerrit-Change-Id: I993eb0d59cd01fa62f35a77f84e262e389efb367
Gerrit-Change-Number: 85454
Gerrit-PatchSet: 21
Gerrit-Owner: Jérémy Compostella <jeremy.compostella(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Alok Agarwal <alok.agarwal(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Anil Kumar K <anil.kumar.k(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Intel coreboot Reviewers <intel_coreboot_reviewers(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Jayvik Desai <jayvik(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Kapil Porwal <kapilporwal(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Pranava Y N <pranavayn(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Ronak Kanabar <ronak.kanabar(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Subrata Banik <subratabanik(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Vikrant L Jadeja <vikrant.l.jadeja(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: build bot (Jenkins) <no-reply(a)>
Gerrit-CC: Julius Werner <jwerner(a)>
Gerrit-CC: Paul Menzel <paulepanter(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Jayvik Desai <jayvik(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Anil Kumar K <anil.kumar.k(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Intel coreboot Reviewers <intel_coreboot_reviewers(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Jérémy Compostella <jeremy.compostella(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Paul Menzel <paulepanter(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Kapil Porwal <kapilporwal(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Vikrant L Jadeja <vikrant.l.jadeja(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Pranava Y N <pranavayn(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Alok Agarwal <alok.agarwal(a)>
Gerrit-Comment-Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2025 21:55:51 +0000
Gerrit-HasComments: Yes
Gerrit-Has-Labels: No
Comment-In-Reply-To: Subrata Banik <subratabanik(a)>
Comment-In-Reply-To: Jérémy Compostella <jeremy.compostella(a)>
Comment-In-Reply-To: Julius Werner <jwerner(a)>
[View Less]
Attention is currently required from: Eric Lai, Jayvik Desai, Kapil Porwal, Nick Vaccaro, Qinghong Zeng, Subrata Banik, hualin wei.
Dinesh Gehlot has posted comments on this change by hualin wei. ( )
Change subject: mb/google/nissa/var/pujjoniru: Modify the gpio of GPIO_PCH_WP
Patch Set 3:
Commit Message:…
[View More]86510/comment/744229b0_33f3b6ad?us… :
PS3, Line 15: Build coreboot, flash, boot to
: and log into kernel, execute "wp enable" in console,
: execute "crossystem" at kernel prompt and verify that "wpsw_cur"
: shows as being "1", Execute "wp disable" in console, execute
: "crossystem" at kernel prompt and verify "wpsw_cur" is 0.
wp status update verified by toggling it on and off.
File src/mainboard/google/brya/variants/baseboard/nissa/include/baseboard/gpio.h:… :
: #define GPIO_PCH_WP GPP_E17
: #else
: #define GPIO_PCH_WP GPP_E12
: #endif
Instead of adding a condition to the baseboard, we can update the WP GPIO at a specific variant level. In this case, we can update `pujjoniru/include/variant/gpio.h` as below
#undef GPIO_PCH_WP
#define GPIO_PCH_WP GPP_E17
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Gerrit-MessageType: comment
Gerrit-Project: coreboot
Gerrit-Branch: main
Gerrit-Change-Id: Iee76fa8b357aa472699f17789b2c718028f812a3
Gerrit-Change-Number: 86510
Gerrit-PatchSet: 3
Gerrit-Owner: hualin wei <weihualin(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Dinesh Gehlot <digehlot(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Eric Lai <ericllai(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Jayvik Desai <jayvik(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Kapil Porwal <kapilporwal(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Nick Vaccaro <nvaccaro(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Qinghong Zeng <zengqinghong(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Subrata Banik <subratabanik(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: build bot (Jenkins) <no-reply(a)>
Gerrit-CC: Cindy Lu <luyi8(a)>
Gerrit-CC: Dolan Liu <liuyong5(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Jayvik Desai <jayvik(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Eric Lai <ericllai(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Subrata Banik <subratabanik(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: hualin wei <weihualin(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Kapil Porwal <kapilporwal(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Nick Vaccaro <nvaccaro(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Qinghong Zeng <zengqinghong(a)>
Gerrit-Comment-Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2025 20:47:47 +0000
Gerrit-HasComments: Yes
Gerrit-Has-Labels: No
[View Less]
Attention is currently required from: Elyes Haouas.
Julius Werner has posted comments on this change by Elyes Haouas. ( )
The change is no longer submittable: All-Comments-Resolved is unsatisfied now.
Change subject: libpayload/tests: Remove reference to non-existent files
Patch Set 1:
(1 comment)
Removing that still makes this test not build …
[View More]because it now has unresolved references.
Note that this file is some ancient test that nobody ever runs and that is completely disconnected from the new Cmocka-based test framework that is now integrated with Jenkins. I think you should just delete that `Makefile` and `cbfs-x86-test.c` entirely.
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Gerrit-MessageType: comment
Gerrit-Project: coreboot
Gerrit-Branch: main
Gerrit-Change-Id: Id2cec6a56ba5ce98832aced6fc2cfd8ebda91f02
Gerrit-Change-Number: 86536
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Owner: Elyes Haouas <ehaouas(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Jakub "Kuba" Czapiga <czapiga(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Maximilian Brune <maximilian.brune(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: build bot (Jenkins) <no-reply(a)>
Gerrit-CC: Julius Werner <jwerner(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Elyes Haouas <ehaouas(a)>
Gerrit-Comment-Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2025 18:55:02 +0000
Gerrit-HasComments: Yes
Gerrit-Has-Labels: No
[View Less]
Attention is currently required from: Andy Ebrahiem, Henry Barnor, Kapil Porwal, Paul Menzel, Pranava Y N, Subrata Banik.
Hello Andy Ebrahiem, Henry Barnor, Kapil Porwal, Pranava Y N, Subrata Banik, build bot (Jenkins),
I'd like you to reexamine a change. Please visit
to look at the new patch set (#5).
Change subject: google/fatcat/var/fatcat: Update GSPI0 CS pin
[View More]....
google/fatcat/var/fatcat: Update GSPI0 CS pin
GPP_F18 is currently shared between the FPS GSPI0-CS and the TouchPad THC1-INT.
This commit moves the FPS GSPI0-CS signal to GPP_E17, which is an GSPI-0 CS alternative option
TEST=build fatcat
Change-Id: I9d80e163fd4e3e21cc153091bb40763e78d6c595
Signed-off-by: Jayvik Desai <jayvik(a)>
M src/mainboard/google/fatcat/variants/fatcat/fw_config.c
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
git pull ssh:// refs/changes/80/86480/5
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Gerrit-MessageType: newpatchset
Gerrit-Project: coreboot
Gerrit-Branch: main
Gerrit-Change-Id: I9d80e163fd4e3e21cc153091bb40763e78d6c595
Gerrit-Change-Number: 86480
Gerrit-PatchSet: 5
Gerrit-Owner: Jayvik Desai <jayvik(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Andy Ebrahiem <ahmet.ebrahiem(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Henry Barnor <hbarnor(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Kapil Porwal <kapilporwal(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Pranava Y N <pranavayn(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Subrata Banik <subratabanik(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: build bot (Jenkins) <no-reply(a)>
Gerrit-CC: Paul Menzel <paulepanter(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Andy Ebrahiem <ahmet.ebrahiem(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Subrata Banik <subratabanik(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Paul Menzel <paulepanter(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Kapil Porwal <kapilporwal(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Pranava Y N <pranavayn(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Henry Barnor <hbarnor(a)>
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