Attention is currently required from: Fred Reitberger, Grzegorz Bernacki, Jakub Czapiga, Jason Glenesk, Martin L Roth, Matt DeVillier, Paul Menzel, Raul Rangel.
Felix Held has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: soc/amd/mendocino: Print content of manifest file
Patch Set 8:
(1 comment)
this will only return the correct values if the amdfw part wasn't replaced after the build. i don't see this as a big issue, since we don't have much infrastructure in place to build the amdfw file outside of the coreboot build and then add it later, but might be worth pointing out in the commit message
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Gerrit-Project: coreboot
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Change-Id: I8df54b74cd987b4a3be635932d38ea178d0b0311
Gerrit-Change-Number: 74269
Gerrit-PatchSet: 8
Gerrit-Owner: Grzegorz Bernacki
Gerrit-Reviewer: Felix Held <felix-coreboot(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Fred Reitberger <reitbergerfred(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Himanshu Sahdev <himanshu.sahdev(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Jakub Czapiga <jacz(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Jason Glenesk <jason.glenesk(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Karthik Ramasubramanian <kramasub(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Matt DeVillier <matt.devillier(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Raul Rangel <rrangel(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: build bot (Jenkins) <no-reply(a)>
Gerrit-CC: Martin L Roth <gaumless(a)>
Gerrit-CC: Paul Menzel <paulepanter(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Jason Glenesk <jason.glenesk(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Raul Rangel <rrangel(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Martin L Roth <gaumless(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Jakub Czapiga <jacz(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Matt DeVillier <matt.devillier(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Paul Menzel <paulepanter(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Grzegorz Bernacki
Gerrit-Attention: Fred Reitberger <reitbergerfred(a)>
Gerrit-Comment-Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2023 17:39:20 +0000
Gerrit-HasComments: Yes
Gerrit-Has-Labels: No
Gerrit-MessageType: comment
Attention is currently required from: Arthur Heymans, Felix Held, Fred Reitberger, Grzegorz Bernacki, Jakub Czapiga, Jason Glenesk, Karthik Ramasubramanian, Martin L Roth, Matt DeVillier, Paul Menzel, Raul Rangel.
Martin Roth has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: amdfwtool: Add --output-manifest option
Patch Set 8: Code-Review+2
Thanks for the change.
File util/amdfwtool/amdfwtool.h: :
PS8, Line 361: bool generate_manifest;
Looks good. If we have a need for more types in the future, we can change this to an enum.
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Gerrit-Project: coreboot
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Change-Id: Idaa3a02ace524f44cfa656e34308bd896016dff6
Gerrit-Change-Number: 74266
Gerrit-PatchSet: 8
Gerrit-Owner: Grzegorz Bernacki
Gerrit-Reviewer: Felix Held <felix-coreboot(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Fred Reitberger <reitbergerfred(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Jakub Czapiga <jacz(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Jason Glenesk <jason.glenesk(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Karthik Ramasubramanian <kramasub(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Martin Roth <martin.roth(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Matt DeVillier <matt.devillier(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Paul Menzel <paulepanter(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Raul Rangel <rrangel(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: build bot (Jenkins) <no-reply(a)>
Gerrit-CC: Arthur Heymans <arthur(a)>
Gerrit-CC: EricKY Cheng <ericky_cheng(a)>
Gerrit-CC: Frank Wu <frank_wu(a)>
Gerrit-CC: John Su <john_su(a)>
Gerrit-CC: Martin L Roth <gaumless(a)>
Gerrit-CC: Van Chen <van_chen(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Jason Glenesk <jason.glenesk(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Raul Rangel <rrangel(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Martin L Roth <gaumless(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Jakub Czapiga <jacz(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Matt DeVillier <matt.devillier(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Paul Menzel <paulepanter(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Grzegorz Bernacki
Gerrit-Attention: Arthur Heymans <arthur(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Fred Reitberger <reitbergerfred(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Karthik Ramasubramanian <kramasub(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Felix Held <felix-coreboot(a)>
Gerrit-Comment-Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2023 17:02:24 +0000
Gerrit-HasComments: Yes
Gerrit-Has-Labels: Yes
Gerrit-MessageType: comment
Attention is currently required from: Fred Reitberger, Jason Glenesk, Matt DeVillier, Nico Huber, Raul Rangel.
Felix Held has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: soc/amd/common/data_fabric/domain: write _STA method in SSDT
Patch Set 8:
(1 comment)
> SSDT wouldn't get generated for an `off` device (non of the device ops […]
oh, right. that's a good point then
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Gerrit-Project: coreboot
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Change-Id: Ied48b48113f6e871e90d17cbd216be003f05b5ef
Gerrit-Change-Number: 74993
Gerrit-PatchSet: 8
Gerrit-Owner: Felix Held <felix-coreboot(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Fred Reitberger <reitbergerfred(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Jason Glenesk <jason.glenesk(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Matt DeVillier <matt.devillier(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Raul Rangel <rrangel(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: build bot (Jenkins) <no-reply(a)>
Gerrit-CC: Nico Huber <nico.h(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Jason Glenesk <jason.glenesk(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Nico Huber <nico.h(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Raul Rangel <rrangel(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Matt DeVillier <matt.devillier(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Fred Reitberger <reitbergerfred(a)>
Gerrit-Comment-Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2023 16:51:59 +0000
Gerrit-HasComments: Yes
Gerrit-Has-Labels: No
Comment-In-Reply-To: Nico Huber <nico.h(a)>
Comment-In-Reply-To: Felix Held <felix-coreboot(a)>
Gerrit-MessageType: comment
Attention is currently required from: Fred Reitberger, Jason Glenesk, Matt DeVillier.
Felix Held has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: soc/amd/picasso/chip: use common data fabric domain resource code
Patch Set 12:
(1 comment)
Commit Message: :
PS12, Line 49:
to clarify some things, add the debug output print from the df mmio register config and the resulting domain constraints
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Gerrit-Project: coreboot
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Change-Id: Ia24930ec2a9962dd15e874e9defea441cffae9f2
Gerrit-Change-Number: 74712
Gerrit-PatchSet: 12
Gerrit-Owner: Felix Held <felix-coreboot(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Fred Reitberger <reitbergerfred(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Jason Glenesk <jason.glenesk(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Matt DeVillier <matt.devillier(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Nico Huber <nico.h(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: build bot (Jenkins) <no-reply(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Jason Glenesk <jason.glenesk(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Matt DeVillier <matt.devillier(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Fred Reitberger <reitbergerfred(a)>
Gerrit-Comment-Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2023 16:37:31 +0000
Gerrit-HasComments: Yes
Gerrit-Has-Labels: No
Gerrit-MessageType: comment
Attention is currently required from: Won Chung.
Tarun Tuli has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: mb/google/brya/var/taeko: Fix PLD group order
Patch Set 2: Code-Review+2
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Gerrit-Project: coreboot
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Change-Id: I5c0395d33ee47ab1c7d45f33d6afb063b8263836
Gerrit-Change-Number: 75572
Gerrit-PatchSet: 2
Gerrit-Owner: Won Chung <wonchung(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Tarun Tuli <taruntuli(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: build bot (Jenkins) <no-reply(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Won Chung <wonchung(a)>
Gerrit-Comment-Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2023 16:33:52 +0000
Gerrit-HasComments: No
Gerrit-Has-Labels: Yes
Gerrit-MessageType: comment
Attention is currently required from: Won Chung.
Tarun Tuli has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: mb/google/brya/var/marasov: Fix PLD group order
Patch Set 2: Code-Review+2
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Gerrit-Project: coreboot
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Change-Id: I51ff0991565d60807c100b33fb66ab10cc48b8e1
Gerrit-Change-Number: 75571
Gerrit-PatchSet: 2
Gerrit-Owner: Won Chung <wonchung(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Tarun Tuli <taruntuli(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: build bot (Jenkins) <no-reply(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Won Chung <wonchung(a)>
Gerrit-Comment-Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2023 16:33:50 +0000
Gerrit-HasComments: No
Gerrit-Has-Labels: Yes
Gerrit-MessageType: comment
Attention is currently required from: Won Chung.
Tarun Tuli has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: mb/google/brya/var/constitution: Fix PLD group order
Patch Set 2: Code-Review+2
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Gerrit-Project: coreboot
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Change-Id: Ib564ffe272e73f46ec6608420dc431c8b017fb65
Gerrit-Change-Number: 75570
Gerrit-PatchSet: 2
Gerrit-Owner: Won Chung <wonchung(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Tarun Tuli <taruntuli(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: build bot (Jenkins) <no-reply(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Won Chung <wonchung(a)>
Gerrit-Comment-Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2023 16:33:47 +0000
Gerrit-HasComments: No
Gerrit-Has-Labels: Yes
Gerrit-MessageType: comment
Attention is currently required from: Bob Moragues, David Wu, Lucas Chen, Nick Vaccaro, Nick Vaccaro, Ren Kuo, Tarun Tuli.
Bob Moragues has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: mb/google/brya/var/kuldax: Enable Fast VMode for kuldax
Patch Set 1: Code-Review+1
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Gerrit-Project: coreboot
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Change-Id: I9ae58d704cba8124c6cb9865431aff84c9d154f7
Gerrit-Change-Number: 75600
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Owner: David Wu <david_wu(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Bob Moragues <moragues(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Bob Moragues <moragues(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Derek Huang <derekhuang(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Lucas Chen <lucas.chen(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Nick Vaccaro <nvaccaro(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Nick Vaccaro <nvaccaro(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Ren Kuo <ren.kuo(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Tarun Tuli <taruntuli(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: build bot (Jenkins) <no-reply(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: David Wu <david_wu(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Tarun Tuli <taruntuli(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Lucas Chen <lucas.chen(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Ren Kuo <ren.kuo(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Nick Vaccaro <nvaccaro(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Nick Vaccaro <nvaccaro(a)>
Gerrit-Attention: Bob Moragues <moragues(a)>
Gerrit-Comment-Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2023 16:33:29 +0000
Gerrit-HasComments: No
Gerrit-Has-Labels: Yes
Gerrit-MessageType: comment