Attention is currently required from: Ariel Chang, Matt DeVillier, Nick Vaccaro, Paul Menzel, Paul Yang, Wayne3 Wang.
Hello Ariel Chang, Matt DeVillier, Nick Vaccaro, Paul Yang, Wayne3 Wang, build bot (Jenkins),
I'd like you to reexamine a change. Please visit
to look at the new patch set (#5).
Change subject: mb/google/volteer/variants/drobit: fix power_limits_config ......................................................................
mb/google/volteer/variants/drobit: fix power_limits_config
Drobit shows little power usage (around 9W) and very low clock speeds (1.1GHz - 1.4GHz) under load (`stress -c $(nproc)`), despite being at very low temperatures (40-50C). It turns out that power_limits_config is set to the lower end of the dptf power limit ranges as opposed to baseboard and other variants. This seems to prevent the device from using the intended power limits.
Tested: Boot and confirm more reasoable power usage (17W) and clock speeds (around 2.5GHz) as well as good temperatures (topped 85C) and stability under 100% load (`stress -c $(nproc)` for 30min). Device for tests is i5-1135G7 and 16GG RAM.
Change-Id: Id0478c713b51db4972e7d93ec597a30fa885c22b Signed-off-by: Ingo Reitz --- M src/mainboard/google/volteer/variants/drobit/overridetree.cb 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
git pull ssh:// refs/changes/26/86026/5