Attention is currently required from: Felix Singer, Paul Menzel, Nick Vaccaro. Tim Wawrzynczak has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: mb/google/volteer/lindar: Probe for RT1011_ALC5682I_I2S ......................................................................
Patch Set 1:
Commit Message: PS1, Line 10: being `to be disabled`
Tim, is there a corresponding commit in the Chromium repositories?
No, I actually think this is an oversight... Lindar is the only volteer variant to use this audio option, so it may have been missed.
AP firmware for ChromeOS devices has its own stable branch that no longer tracks master past a certain point (volteer devices are long past this point), so production firmware will only come from that branch now.
On the branch, the UPDs are set up so that the DSP will be enabled (PchHdaDspEnable), but the HD audio device will not; because of this, I suspect this is mostly a resource (read: PCI resources) issue which will be corrected by the kernel, as the UPDs seem to require HDA to be enabled b/c of the DSP.
Felix, could you post logs before and after this? also lspci before and after?