Nico Huber has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: console: Allow VPD to disable an otherwise enabled coreboot console ......................................................................
Patch Set 4:
(1 comment) Commit Message: PS4, Line 18: entry is added.
No, that's not true. […]
This demand to customize binaries pops up rather often lately. I was wondering if we can find a generic and efficient solution. From the top of my head: A section per stage reserved for a handful of key+value pairs and use that as a low-priority backend for get_option() (or a new, saner API ^^). Ofc, systems where the bootblock is already too big wouldn't benefit. On the positive side, the data would be implicitly accessible just like the code (i.e. memory mapped or automatically loaded into SRAM/CAR/DRAM).