Attention is currently required from: Nico Huber, Tim Wawrzynczak, Angel Pons, EricR Lai. Hello build bot (Jenkins), Nico Huber, Tim Wawrzynczak, Angel Pons, EricR Lai,
I'd like you to reexamine a change. Please visit
to look at the new patch set (#2).
Change subject: console: Create helper function to get max console log level ......................................................................
console: Create helper function to get max console log level
This patch takes console level as argument and returns log level as per `loglevel.h` file to be used while printing serial messages.
Signed-off-by: Subrata Banik Change-Id: I56349f22c71c9db757b2be8eeb2dbfe959f80397 --- M src/console/init.c M src/include/console/console.h 2 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
git pull ssh:// refs/changes/70/60470/2