Attention is currently required from: Furquan Shaikh. Martin Roth has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: mb/google/guybrush: PCIe GPIOs - enable enables, disable resets ......................................................................
Patch Set 1:
File src/mainboard/google/guybrush/variants/baseboard/gpio.c: PS1, Line 54: HIGH
Don't you need the *_RST{_L} signals to be deasserted before FSP-M runs?
They get toggled by the FSP. PS1, Line 169: /* EN_PP3300_WLAN */
Is there any timing requirement between EN_PP3300_WLAN and WLAN_DISABLE signals? Same for WWAN?
I'm sure there are, but we haven't looked at that yet. We're going to have to adjust the timings once we start running the early gpio init in PSP verstage. Tracked in b/184598323 - guybrush: Look at PCIe power-on timings and make sure that they're being met.