Attention is currently required from: Martin L Roth, Paul Menzel, Arthur Heymans.
Maximilian Brune has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: util/lint/stable-017: Update full config pattern matching ......................................................................
Patch Set 2:
(1 comment)
Commit Message: PS2, Line 9: CONFIG_ARCH gives false positives for CONFIG_USE_EXP_X86_64_SUPPORT so : use a different string: 'CONFIG_MAINBOARD_DIR'. I don't understand. How does CONFIG_USE_EXP_X86_64_SUPPORT influence the grep for CONFIG_ARCH_? I only see that CONFIG_USE_EXP_X86_64_SUPPORT selects ARCH_ALL_STAGES_X86_64. ARCH_ALL_STAGES_X86_64 is not a configurable option, so that is apparently also not the issue. I tried it out and there also seems to be no problem with the current configs directory.