Attention is currently required from: Nico Huber, Tim Wawrzynczak, Angel Pons, EricR Lai. Subrata Banik has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: console: Create helper function to get max console log level ......................................................................
Patch Set 1:
File src/console/init.c: PS1, Line 50: if (console_level == CONSOLE_LOG_NONE) : return BIOS_NEVER;
This seems tricky. BIOS_NEVER is actually the highest (above SPEW) […]
I agree, I even had the same confusion about is this right returning BIOS_NEVER which holds highest value instead its better return 0 or -1. PS1, Line 60: return 0;
0 is BIOS_EMERG. If we wanted to forbid all output (IMO valid on this […]
make sense to me as well, returning -1 as its invalid log level.
File src/include/console/console.h: PS1, Line 67: static inline int console_log_level(int msg_level) { return 0; }
We should have a similar dummy here.
ahh, my bad. Thanks for highlighting