Attention is currently required from: Angel Pons, Matt DeVillier, Sean Rhodes.
Filip Brozovic has posted comments on this change by Filip Brozovic. ( )
Change subject: CFR: Add min/max/step values and hex display flag for number options ......................................................................
Patch Set 2:
File src/commonlib/include/commonlib/cfr.h: : PS2, Line 94: * CFR_OPTFLAG_NUMBER_HEX: : * Displays a numeric option in hexadecimal instead of decimal notation. : * This flag is only valid for numeric options.
Flags are meant to be applicable to all option types. This one is not. […]
Acknowledged : PS2, Line 139: uint32_t min; : uint32_t max; : uint32_t step;
This changes the structure layout in a non-backwards compatible way. […]
Would it make more sense to instead put these values (as well as the display flags) into tagged varbinary structs? As far as I can see, any way we try to add a version number, we need to change _some_ struct, making it non-backwards compatible.
If we do add a version number, it probably makes the most sense to add it in the `lb_cfr_header` struct?
Since `min` and `max` are both `uint32_t`, it makes the most sense to make them inclusive, otherwise we have no way to set `0` and `UINT32_MAX`
File src/drivers/option/cfr.c: : PS2, Line 121: option->min = min;
We should probably check that `min <= max` (both inclusive).
Acknowledged : PS2, Line 122: 0xffffffff
Acknowledged : PS2, Line 123: step
Let's assume a step size of 0 is equivalent to 1
At least in HII, a step size of 0 means the variable can't be changed with -/+ keys, which makes the behavior different from defining it as 1. Is this behavior something we want to keep?