Maximilian Brune has posted comments on this change by Maximilian Brune. ( )
Change subject: payloads/LinuxBoot: Build x86_64 with host toolchain ......................................................................
Patch Set 4:
(1 comment)
File payloads/external/ : PS4, Line 393: ifeq ($(CONFIG_LINUXBOOT_CROSS_COMPILE),y) : ifeq ($(CONFIG_LINUXBOOT_CROSS_COMPILE_PATH),"") : # use coreboots cross toolchain : CONFIG_LINUXBOOT_CROSS_COMPILE_PATH=$(CROSS_COMPILE_$(LINUXBOOT_CROSS_COMPILE_ARCH-y)) : endif # CONFIG_LINUXBOOT_CROSS_COMPILE_PATH : else # CONFIG_LINUXBOOT_CROSS_COMPILE : $(warning "Using host toolchain to build Linuxboot") : endif # CONFIG_LINUXBOOT_CROSS_COMPIL
shouldn't be :? […]
If CROSS_COMPILE is "no" we use the host toolchain. If CROSS_COMPILE is "yes" but we didn't specify a custom cross compile toolchain we want to use the coreboot cross toolchain. If CROSS_COMPILE is "yes" but we specified a custom cross compile toolchain we chose that one. So the only case in which host toolchain is used is the one in which CROSS_COMPILE is not set.
Maybe I mixed something up, but if I did, I don't see it right now.