Attention is currently required from: Martin Roth, Felix Held. Julius Werner has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: RFC: Kconfig - show boards supported on 4.11 branch (POC) ......................................................................
Patch Set 2: Code-Review+1
PS2: Looks like a reasonable implementation to me, if people feel this feature would be helpful.
File Makefile: PS2, Line 183: ifeq ($(CONFIG_MAINBOARD_SUPPORTED_ON_BRANCH),y) nit: I feel like this would better fit in, with the other Git stuff (e.g. UPDATED_SUBMODULES).
File src/mainboard/adi/Kconfig:
PS2: Can we stuff these vendors that have only branch mainboards in some separate directory (e.g. src/mainboard/on_branch/adi) so we don't clutter the main vendor list with too many "fake" entries (I mean for developers browsing the code, not for menuconfig)?